Articles & Book Chapters







Master Theses

Nováčková, V. (2024): The role of community-supported agriculture in transforming the third food regime in the Czech Republic. Master thesis. University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna.

Froning, P. (2023). Territorial rural development strategies based on organic agriculture: the example of Valposchiavo, Switzerland. Master thesis. Institute of Ecology. University of Innsbruck.

Brunner, A.-M. (2022): The missing pieces to food system’s socio-ecological transformation? Community-supported agriculture in Argentina. Master thesis. Institute of Geography and Regional Science. University of Graz.

Conferences & Seminars


  • Presenter: Pixová, M., Where does food in Czechia come from?
    Risks, opportunities and barriers.
    Seed Summit. Prague, Czechia, 21.11.2024.
  • Presenter: Brunner, A.-M. Una mirada desde la ecología política poscolonial: reflexiones teóricas en diálogo con perspectivas empíricas en el campo de la investigación sobre la transformación del sistema alimentario en Argentina. Reunión Anual de la 8va generación del grupo de jóvenes investigadores de ADLAF (Arbeitsgruppe Deutsche Lateinamerikaforschung), online, 30.10.2024.
  • Presenter: Brunner, A.-M., Plank, C., Wertebasierte, lokale Ernährungssysteme, Macht & Markt – Wer entscheidet über unser Essen? Welternährungstag, Konferenz von, 16.10.2024
  • Presenter: Nováčková, V., Pixová, M., Plank, C. The role of community-supported agriculture in transforming the current food regime in Czechia. Workshop “Values: From Theory to Empirical Examples in Agri-Food Studies. Innsbruck, Austria, 11.10.2024
  • Presenter: Faltmann, N. K., Stotten, R., What are the ‘Values’ in Alternative Food Systems? Workshop “Values: From theory to empirical examples in agri-food studies”, Innsbruck, Austria, 10.10.2024.
  • Presenter: Zambra, C., et al., Plank, C. The EU‘s Farm to Fork Strategy: A historical-materialist policy analysis of its implementation in Austria, International Conference on Historical-Materialist Policy Analysis  University of Vienna, Austria, 10.10.2024
  • Presenter: Brunner, A.-M. Hacia una Transformación del Sistema Alimentario: Proyectos y Perspectivas Alternativas desde Argentina. Escola de Verão – Desanvolvimento Regional: Tendencias Conceituais e Experiencias Empiricas, Rodeio (Santa Catarina, Brazil), 30.09.2024.
  • Presenter: Brunner, A.-M. Living and imagining conviviality in agroecological pursuits: Exploring actors’ perceptions and future imaginaries in the Province of Rio Negro. 31st Colloquium IGU CSRS 2024, Mendoza City, 17.09.2024.
  • Presenter: Pixová, M., Plank, C., Potravinová samospráva bez lokálních potravin:
    chybějící vazby mezi českými postsocialistickými městy a městskými potravinovými alternativami. Výroční konference ČGS. Ústí nad Labem, Czechia, 5.9.2024.
  • Presenter: Brunner, A.-M.: Common resources for commoning certification? A Political Ecology perspective on Participatory Guarantee Systems in Argentina. SPG Argentina Workshop Series, Online, 12.08.2024.
  • Presenter: Lamotte, L.; Brunner, A.-M. Lo Político que Nos Cuentan los Sonidos y Nos Muestran los Movimientos Corporales: Investigando a Través y Sobre lo ‚Más que Racional‘ en el Contexto de Alternativas al Sistema Alimentario. 31st Colloquium IGU CSRS 2024, Mendoza City, 17.09.2024.
  • Presenter: Brunner, A.-M. Of Conflicts and Coexistence: Actors‘ Perspectives on the Future Pathways of Argentina’s Agricultural Sector. POLLEN (Political Ecology Network) Conference 2024, Lund, 11.06.2024.
  • Presenter: Pixová, M., Plank, C., A quiet right to the city? A dual approach of governance towards gardening in Prague and Brno. International Congress “Socioecos. Climate change,sustainability and socio-ecological practices“. Bilbao, Spain, 7.6.2024.
  • Presenter: Pixová, M., Plank, C., Potravinová samospráva bez lokálních potravin:
    chybějící vazby mezi českými postsocialistickými městy a městskými potravinovými alternativami. 9. brněnská konference urbánních studií, 24.5.2024.
  • Presenter: Pixová, M., Urban Food Self-provisioning and Urbanism. Round table discussion. 9. brněnská konference urbánních studií, Brno, Czechia, 23.5.2024.
  • Presenter: Pixová, M., Sociálně-ekologická transformace potravinového systému. Invited lecture for Universities for Climate movement. Prague, Czechia, 20.5.2024.
  • Presenter: Faltmann, N. K., The role of proximity for the functioning of Community-Supported Agriculture. Civil Society Conference on Community Supported Agriculture, Glarus, Switzerland, 12.04.2024.
  • Presenter: Hafner, R.: De-/re-coding agriculture: Hegemonic thought styles, conflicts and the quest for alternatives. The First International Summer Course on Integrated Sustainable Agriculture for Circular Economy 2024. Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Indonesia. 30.07.2024.
  • Presenter: Faltmann, N. K., Values-based alternative food initiatives in Switzerland. SOAS Food Studies Centre – Alumni Network Day, London, United Kingdom, 08.06.2024.
  • Presenter: Plank, C., Transformationsfeld: Ernährung. Ringvorlesung Nachhaltige Produktions-& Konsumweisen: Transformation und Konflikte, University of Vienna, Austria, 27.05.2024
  • Presenter: Plank, C., Food & Energy. Panel on the five turnarounds, University of Applied Arts Vienna, 02.05.2025
  • Presenter: Plank, C. „Ernährung und Nachhaltigkeit: Wie gutes Essen für alle die Klimagerechtigkeit stärkt“. Podiumsdiskussion, University of Vienna, 18.04.2024
  • Presenter: Pixová, M.: Sociálně-ekologická transformace potravinového systému. Invited lecture within the subject „Pluralism in Economic Thinking“, Department of Regional Management and Law, University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice, Czech Republic, 21.03.2024.






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